
C-litter, born on 23rd of January 2020

Asti vom Bierstadter Hof

born 27th of June 2013, KKl I, IPO1, HD-normal, ED-normal

show title: V

Yazoo vom Haus Barrett

born 30th August 2015 - IPO 1 - KKL1, HD normal, ED-normal

show title: V


Clara, the last daughter of "Asti vom Bierstadter Hof"

Aktualisiert am 18. Juli 2021 It's been three months since our last entry. Last Wednesday our Clara successfully passed the endurance test and today she also passed the BH trial. We congratulate her and of course our friend "Sandra", who supports "dog mom" in the training of her four-legged friends. Not only was Clara successful today, but also a Gina son named "Lord vom Team Barrett", which also passed the BH trial today. Both dogs are now proud owners of the BH trial. Now nothing stands in the way of training in the direction of IPG now. Mama "Asti" can be proud of her last daughter.

We will open up a new page for the young male "Lord vom Team Barrett" at a later time. As soon as "dog mom" has more time again, because at the moment the events are overturning: sound temperament trial, endurance test, BH-trial and a life breeding survey of our stud dog "Lucky", for which we would like to congratulate him even today.

In the next few days we will be posting some video clips on facebook and instagram showing "Clara" practicing for the BH trial. Within six weeks of training the two dogs were ready for this trial. They are so smart and learn so quickly! We are so proud of our dogs!

Clara together with the young male dog "Lord vom Team Barrett"

19. April 2021 This past weekend Clara received her first title. Clara took part in a temperament trial. This test is a new requirement for future breeding females. Even though she was bitten by another dog as a young dog, she is still friendly to people and other dogs. We are very proud of this wonderful young female. She is an amazing dog.

Clara almost 15 months old

Clara is the last daughter of our dam "Asti vom Bierstädter Hof", which we took out of the breeding program at the end of 2020. The C-litter - with only one puppy - was the last litter Asti had.

Meanwhile Clara had grown into a beautiful and extreme smart young female. She presents herself very proud just like her Dad and also her grandgrand-Dad "Tabaluga vom Steckenborn". She is a very friendly dogs. She grew up with a young child and therefor just loves children.

She loves to play ball and it will be very easy to train her. Soon she will enter her first test, which is called a "character assessment". Unfortunately we were not able to go to one of our training places with her over the past 5 months due to the present COVID- situation. We hope, that this will end soon and we will be able to train her regularly, so hopefully by the end of this year she will have received her titles, which she needs to enter our breeding program.

We also have plans to take her to a show in the summer. If it will not work in Germany, we will take her to Switzerland for the annual show.

Just a few weeks ago she had been x-rayed for hips and elbows and has received the "best results" a dog can get: HD- and ED-normal

We like to mention at this time, that all offsprings of Yazoo which had been x-rayed until today had received the best results a dog can get. We are very proud of him. His Mom "Funny von der Martinskapelle" by the way is going on 12 years old and is still doing fine and Yazoo`s Dad "Yakko" is going on 13 years very soon. Therefor it is very important for us to keep this healthy and wonderful bloodline going. We hope, through Clara we will be able to do so by the end of this year.

We will update this page every so often.

Clara, we just took this picture in April 2021

Clara; these pictures were taken in March 2021

Clara has a female friend, her name is Kylie. She is the daugher of Cheyenne and Buddy

In the middle we see Clara with her two legged friend. If we look at the picture above, we see Clara on the couch. She is looking for her friend, who is playing outside. Clara always wants to be with her

Just like most of our Barretts, both love the water

The above pictures were taken during the summer 2020

Clara after she had moved in with our friend, to the right we see her chilling during a summer vacation

Below pictures show Clara with her Mom "Asti"

They both were so cute together

Little "big" Clara at the age of two weeks. We gave her a little Teddy as a littermate. She loved him

Just after birth