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Last update on November 6th, 2006

Congratulations to Simon and his owner. Simon passed the VPG 3 schutzhund trial

Last update on October 23rd, 2006

We took a few pictures of Tyson during the obedience performance for VPG 3

Every task begins with this position


Getting ready for the next task

He has to lay down

Sitting up front after being called

During running comes the comand "stand" and the dog has to stop and stand still

Getting ready for the next task

jumping over the 1 m wall

Climbing the 1,80 m wall

Being rewarded after done a very nice obedience performance

One last picture of Tyson with his beloved "girl-friend" Nora

21st of September 2006

We received three nice pictures during the schutzhund training of Merlin (the brother of Melody)

Merlin with his owner Mr. Franz-Josef Baum

Merlin waiting for his turn

Merlin barking

Andreas Igel is working with his dog "Simon vom Haus Barrett" very hard in the last few months. He was very successful this summer. He passed SchH 2 with 99 points in tracking, 88 points in obedience and 97 in schutzhund. He also entered a trophy competition and made 90 points in obedience and 99 points in schutzhund.

We do want to congratulate him on these great results. We are very pleased with this dog. Simon is a son of "Zaskia von Arminius" and "Gustl von der Köhlertanne". We do have plans to have him as the sire of one of our upcoming litters with "Melody vom Haus Barrett" this fall of 2006. Here are some recent pictures of Simon

Simon heeling

Staying very close to his owner

He has a very high playdrive

As you can see, he is always looking for his toy

Andreas is very proud of him

Simon vom Haus Barrett

For a new edition of a dog equipment catalog from "Michael Schweikert, Germany" a few pictures of "Grizzly vom Haus Barrett" were taken during schutzhund work. A few pictures can be seen below.

Grizzly gets rewarded after he had just barked at the guy

The guy moves and Grizzly starts biting

Grizzly has a full grip

He is not afraid of the "soft stick"

On command he has to let go

Done very well, Mr. Schweikert said

The owner is very proud of Grizzly

and Grizzly is proud of himself, because he received the "arm" as a reward

Yesterday we entered a trophy competition with our Tabaluga. The competition was held in another city. We started as a team with my girl-friend Petra and her dog "Diego vom Schloss Ebersberg. They were showing the obedience part. I entered with our "Tabaluga vom Steckenborn" in schutzhund. Although we only trained two times at this new place with a new "trainer" Tabaluga done very well. Together as a team we came in 3rd place. Diego reached 93 points in obedience and Tabaluga also 93 (from 100) points in "schutzhund". We are very proud of them. My son Jason who had birthday yesterday was joining us and making a few pictures of Tabaluga during "Schutzdienst". Because of this competiton his birthday party started a little late, he did not mind. Thank you again, Jason!!!

Tabaluga and Dagmar report to Schutzdienst

Tabaluga found the "bad" guy, barked and then was called back

to heel

Together they go to the next task

Dagmar steps besided the Tabaluga and then the dog has to sit

Together they have to walk away about 30 metres

Tabaluga gets send alone of to "hold up" the bad guy

On command Tabaluga has to let go right away

He has to wait till I get there and then he has to sit

Together they walk back to the judge

Then report, that the "Schutzdienst" is finished

Today on12th of June 2005 we had a trophy competition in our club in "Groß-Rohrheim

Marion with "Dragon vom Haus Barrett" and Petra with "Diego vom Schloß Ebersberg" started as a team and came in 4th place in VPG 1.

Petra with "Rica vom Haus Barrett" and Dagmar with "Nora vom Haus Barrett" started also as a team in VPG 1 and came in 5th place. Nora did not do too well today. She showed not the best behavior, when it came to let go of the arm. She did "let go" on command, but then tried to nip a few times back at the arm again, which of course was a "no, no".

Dragon is a son of "Ondie vom Jägerstand" and "Gustl von der Köhlertanne"

He found the "bad buy"; he is only allowed to bark, not bite

Running after the "bad guy"

Dragon in "action"

He is doing this part very well

On command he lets go very quickly

All three have to go back to the judge

The "schutzdienst" is finished

Marion with Rica

She is a daughter of "Ondie" and "Gustl"

Rica has to sit on command

She has to stay until Petra comes back

Jumping the wall

The judge announces the points and explains the mistakes, which were made

Both look very happy, they have a reason to be, they did receive 90 points in "obedience"

Nora is a daughter of "Cindy" and "Gustl"

Barking, not biting

Showing a very good grip

Letting go on command

They apart to show the next task

Schutzdienst is finished

Nora is watching the "bad guy" leave

Walking back to the growd

Announcing the points and explaing, what has to be worked on in the future

She looks a little sad; she probably wanted to do some more

Nora is just like her Dad "Gustl", always problems with letting go of this nice arm. But we will work on this in the future

Team Marion and Petra

4th place in VPG 1

Team Petra and Dagmar

5th place in VPG 2

Quite a few teams were sent off from other towns near by.

The team Groß-Rohrheim is shown on this picture

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